Sunday, January 24, 2010

2010...a new decade for G.....

.... so now for the look back and the new goals..
1) Stay positive + (DAILY...I was just thinking about this today. It is so easy to let the daily small things grind on you...but I/we are so blessed with the life we lead.....I continue to be thankful everyday and keep everything in the positive perspective that I developed over my 35 years)
2) Love my life..daily. (See above!)
3) Relax. Over the past few years I have put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed, create a business, etc etc. 2009 is a year that still back a little (no worries I am still VERY engaged at work...and relaxing is different then slacking) and enjoy the life that I have been blessed with. (2009 was unbelievable. I got married...(KK you are my partner in crime, travel partner, support pillar, and partner for life...I love you), traveled to Russia, Poland, Turkey, South Africa, etc, continued to progress professionally, and really important continued to be me. Loving my life, family, and friends)

So for 2010 this is basically the same:
1) Stay positive +
2) Love my life..daily.
3) Get healthier and feel better than I did in 2009. (I am an old chappy at 35 ;-)
4) Connect with my family more.
5) Start DOWN

...and like last year......BIG THANK
My parents....for being the best since day 1. I love you!
My family for the continued messages, notes, and cards...I look forward to see you all soon.
KK for the love and an support that you give me daily.
My friends for making my life in CH that much better.
...and my friends at home for the support you gave me to following my dreams and passions.

As always more to come in 2010..if this one even comes close to 2009 I am a very blessed man.(I said that last hope it comes true again) Much love, GG

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