Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Years 2009!

Still backlogged..but getting there.

This NY we hooked up with Tam and Tom in Laussane an d brought in the NY in style. First some Peking duck...
..and then some beers!
..and a few more...
Some dancing...
..and the celebration of the NY!
A great way to start the year!

Due to the snow/rain that was hitting the area it was an early AM to get Jay and off to Champex to ski MORE POW!

A great way to start the NY.... so now for the look back and the new goals.

1) Stay postive...DAILY!
2) Do something "traditional" each month. i.e. Russian wish paper burning/drinkin on New Year. Not 12 months but I had a few including some herring in Sweden and crazy Akvavit in Denmark.
3) Vegitarian February. No red meat in Feb!..didn't happen...possibly this year!
4) Submit 1 picture this year to a ski magazine/website/media...and get published (Jay and KK get ready) 2009 here come!
5) Be in contact with my friends/family more. (This one carries over)..and I did a better job.
6) Visit 5 new countries. Lets see Denmark, Sweden, Russia, +3.
7) Ski more days than LY. (37)...41!!!!
8) Do 3 new outdoor activities that I have never done. (i.e. Rock climbing)... missed on this one but did some cool hiking in Italy.
9) Love life...DAILY!
10) Quit smoking....2-3 a day now....getting there.

So now the 2009 new ones...and I only have 3!
1) Stay positive +
2) Love my life..daily.
3) Relax. Over the past few years I have put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed, create a business, etc etc. 2009 is a year that still back a little (no worries I am still VERY engaged at work...and relaxing is different then slacking) and enjoy the life that I have been blessed with.

Extra credit:
+3 countries
Smoking...still high on the list.
Veghead..still on the list.

So now the thanks....and I continue a year later to feel and receive the same.
My parents....for being the best since day 1. I love you!
My family for the continued messages, notes, and cards...I look forward to see you all soon.
KK for the love and an support that you give me daily.
My friends for making my life in CH that much better.
...and my friends at home for the support you gave me to following my dreams and passions.

As always more to come in 2009..if this one even comes close to 2008 I am a very blessed man. Much love, GG

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