Sunday, January 06, 2008

HAPPY 2008!

A little late, but I have been very busy...see below...KK and I returned from skiing and started preparing for T, Paul, and Pedro to come over the flat for a little eating and drinking. The plan was to start here and then head to Old Town for a little party. KK and I prepared a menu of fondue, beef tatake, viande sechee, veggie plate, and crazy suisse green cake. At the GG/KK household and T and P arrived with gifts to add to the food and drink:
In addition to the Russian drink we even followed some traditions....paper is tasty!
After getting our groove on it was time to head into town and give some hugs out!
The night ended in a local pub, a kebab, and a cab home.

The next AM we woke up with marginal damage and just chilled in Geneva. Instead of a swim this year we did something new...possibly a new tradition:


Overall a good start to lets now review 2007. Here are last years goals:
1) Stay postive+: This one is key and will always be in my life and is #1 again this year.
2) Continue to grow and be open: This takes effort, but is worth it. I have really put things in a different perspective in my life. I looked back at my blog today and just feel really blessed for the life I have.
3) Do things that people say to you after...."are you serious": Bungee jumping, skiing in June, July, and August, hugging strangers, etc.
4) Do things for me, but continue to be selfless: Ask my friends.
5) Live life and not an "existence": See above
6) Be in contact with my friends/family more: Not bad on this one. I need to call my Gramps and Jay soon. I really miss my family and hopefully we can get some more visitors over in 2008.
7) Visit 10 new countries: 6. :-(
8) Cherish everyday for at least 1 reason: Today I looked at last years post. Perfect!
9) Just be: Chilling daily and worrying less about life. Less anxiety about my sucess and future. I accomplish something daily.
10) ski!: 12 MONTHS IN A ROW!!!

So now the new list for 2008:
1) Stay postive
2) Do something "traditional" each month. i.e. Russian wish paper burning/drinkin on New Year.
3) Vegitarian February. No red meat in Feb!
4) Submit 1 picture this year to a ski magazine/website/media...and get published (Jay and KK get ready)
5) Be in contact with my friends/family more. (This one carries over)
6) Visit 5 new countries.
7) Ski more days than LY. (37)
8) Do 3 new outdoor activities that I have never done. (i.e. Rock climbing)
9) Love life.
10) Quit smoking.

So now the thanks....
My parents....for being the best since day 1. I love you!
My family for the continued messages, notes, and cards...I look forward to see you all soon.
KK for the love and understanding. I am so happy that things have come together.
My friends for making my life in CH that much better.
...and my friends at home for the support you gave me to following my dreams and passions.

As always more to come in 2008..if this one even comes close to 2007 I am a very blessed man. Much love, GG

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